Monday, February 8, 2010

Week # 13

Is 13 lucky? 13 identifies a transition in my training, build phase. I'll let you know if it is lucky in later posts. Workouts in this phase will continue to work my aerobic capacity and will have some anaerobic workouts to hopefully increase my stamina and ability to race at a higher output level.
February is hill month for the run portion. What fun. My yardage in the pool is going to increase and while my time on the bike is going to increase too. Of course the coaches will throw in some faster intervals to continue to develop the heart and lungs.

Two highlights of my workouts this week were hill repeats in Piedmont (I know you are asking - why is that a highlight?) Well, it's a highlight because I completed 5 of them and my knee felt good. It kinda bothered me on the way down so I just walked back to the start. Did I mention the distance was 1/2 miles long? Yeah and it wasn't raining so that was a huge plus. My other highlight was the brick workout (biking and then immediately transition to the run) the next day. Good times. It was raining that day so my knee was kinda upset and swollen.

I was attending a friend's wedding so I missed the coached workout that focused on open water drills, as we are heading into open water in about 2 weeks. I also missed a 30 mile "hilly" bike ride that apparently went up Claremont, Grizzly Peak, through Tilden, and some other East Bay spots.

I did take in workout clothes so I was prepared to workout but the only working out was walking and going up stairs, lots of them.

Finally, my Super Bowl Fundraiser came to a close. Thanks to all those who purchased a box or two and participated. Congrats to Sedonia, Heather B., Frank N., and Suzie for winning.

Have a great week.

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