Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week #23 - Bike Focus Week

Well, this week was the first time I was back on my bike in about 4 weeks. WOW did it feel great to be back out there with my teammates and just back out on the road cycling. Now my teammates either had a century weekend (50 miles on Sat and Sun) or some folks even did 100 miles each day. It was Cal Day on Saturday so I was working, plus my knee wasn't ready for back to back rides.
Sunday we got to ride the Vineman course. Now, this was my first time back my bike since I fell so I wasn't sure how the day was going to play out. I had a plan - to do an out and back ride that was either for mileage or time. Then I spoke to my coach and he gave me some options for cutting the course shorter, cutting out some climbs, so I decided to attempt that option. My coach road with me to show me the route I was going to be taking since it was different than the maps. When the whole team made a left hand turn and coach and I made a right, I appreciated how two SAG vehicles came to tell us we were going the wrong way. For us, we were going on the different route than others.
For a quick minute, I was in the lead. That didn't last long as the faster riders passed me at the SAG stop. Coach caught up with me again and led me back on the course after cutting out a loop section. There was a HUGE 7/8 mile climb up Chalk Hill, but since climbing hurt me knee, the SAG vehicle advanced me to the top of the hill so I could finish the ride. I completed 42 miles!!! First time back on the bike and completed 42 miles. I was EXCITED. As soon as I got back to the parking lot, I went to Safeway to grab a bag of ice because my knee was swelling. I brought back a 20lb bag of ice so other could ice if they needed. It was a beautiful day and just amazing to training again with teammates, even if it is modified.
A recovery week is ahead so I look forward to more physical therapy sessions so I can continue to heal.
Have a great week.

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